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Showing posts from March, 2017

My Heaven!

And this time it is deodorant. It has to be something every time. Last time it was towel. May be some unconscious part of me make sure that I forget at least one item, when I leave from home. Just to keep traces of my existence. Days feels like seconds when you go home for vacation. The moment of arrival arrives with moment of departure. You know that you have got exactly 96 hours. And you have to make sure that you grab enough love before leaving to ruthless city again. That scares me off. What if I don't get enough, what if I get homesick before next trip to home. But all anyone could do is hope, the most addictive drug. And the court down begins. First a warm hug from your brother, then priceless smiles of caring mother and proud father. A heavy snacks at uncle's place, a surprise visit to your bestie cousin, and you look up to god, and thank him for a wonderful family. But is family everything? It is very important, and yet incomplete without frien

It is what it is!

We all have pressure cooker whistles. Mine is my bike. And I start driving. Aimlessly. A drive I didn't plan. A ride which I don't know where leads. I just want to drive. Me, my pulsar, and the path. The deadliest combination. Cause I need to get lost. In places where I might find peace. I don't know if I'm driving the bike, or the bike's driving me. But it doesn't matter. Unless and until I'm moving. I just need to keep moving. I need the phase of transit. It is better than reaching at a point. as that point could make you happy or sad. I just don't want to know whether I will be happy or sad. I don't want to know what pain is, or what happiness could mean.  I just want to drive. The tunnel is my favorite part of the road. It makes you feel as if you are playing road rash. I always loved to play this game. So I keep accelerating. The speed goes up and up and up. I don't want to stop. But I forget that there is no race. and I have only

A Bad Day!

There are days when you are full of energy. Full of enthusiasm, like the best version of yourself. But apparently not all days are meant for you to be happy. I am talking about the days when we feel 'Why even I woke up today?' , The days when we start questioning the very abilities we posses, the days when every thing you try fix goes on getting worse. I hope everybody has these days, And I had such a day recently. With every failure of the day I try to keep myself up by saying 'Chill, this is not a big deal'. And these not so big deals start pilling up on each other. At mid day I am succumbed under the pressure of such mountain of Big deals. And then I just give up. I just give up the hope that something might cheer me up in this very day. Very opposite of my nature, yet these shadows of negative energy cause me feel like a loser. You avoid people you care. You ignore doing important things, just cause you are afraid that even they will get fucked up. Y

Wind and Fire

The mountain kept burning under the beautiful night sky. A sky with one bright star. As if the mountain was reflecting the light this loner has. And all people could see is the fire. but that is not what I see from this high floor. All I see is smoke. Weird isn't it? These dark waves of smoke attract more attention than the brighter flames. And I keep on watching. Even when the fire is out, the smoke keeps on going. Higher and higher. The kind of  height I only can imagine. But as the smoke grows more and more, the sky gets clouded. There is no more beautiful sky. There is no more bright star. There is just pure darkness. And now the smoke is less attractive, rather it is intimidating. But there is always something you cannot predict. the Wind. The wind is too strong. It is going to make smoke fade out. But there is a possibility that it might ignite the sleeping fire. but it doesn't happen. the wind clears the sky within small span of time. The hours of wrong doing is clear