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What's exactly a sorrow? A bad feeling, a bad emotion, maybe pain, some disturbed mind, anything that makes you feel helpless is a sorrow. Right? It's that state of mind when you actually blame your destiny, or God, or what not.

And while feeling a similar emotion, I decided to give it some thought. Why I feel helpless, why I feel like this pain is too much, or why things are too worse. And as my mind was thinking it in a way any victim thinks, I could not see a clear picture.

Studies show that more than 70 percent people think that they are better at their work than average people. That means people like to think that they work more even when they are just doing average. Similarly even while going through little hurdles, we all think that we are victims of some tragedy, and we are some sort of survivors. But fact is we ain't doing anything different.

So coming back to my subject, this attitude of a victim wasn't helping. So I decided to go with a different approach. And that's when I reached the concept of entrapment.

Every situation in our lives becomes a sorrow only when we think we are trapped in that situation, and there is no way out. This applies to literally every situation. When we are told that we have to live with a specific condition, our minds feel entrapped. And this feeling of entrapment causes our natural instincts to panic, as freedom is natural, and look out for an escape. And when in this moment we feel that there is no way out, panic becomes sorrow, as we give up. Instead of looking for a solution, we love to think about the problem, and why it occurred in first place.

Does it mean sorrows don't exist? Obviously they do. But often they don't, but we focus our minds on problems so much that we fail to recognize that this entrapment is just something we have chosen voluntarily.

So next time if you feel that you are really sad, just step out from your own shoes for a while, and look at the world, for the world offers more freedom than our minds do.


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