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कहते हैं खुदा बहुत दिलदार होता है, पर वो हमेशा नहीं तुम्हारी मानता, वही तो एक है जो, तुम्हारी काबिलियत पहचानता इसलिए कहते हैं खुदासे वही मांगो, जो तुम खुद नहीं पा सकते, वो सब को आजमाता है, दिखा के अलग अलग रास्ते तो मैंने भी एक दिन ठाना, के अब से कुछ नहीं मांगेंगे, अरे उस बनाने वाले को भी तो पता चले, हमारे तेवर अब ऐसे ही रहेंगे पर मैं नहीं समझ पाया खेल उसका, एक खूबसुरत मुश्किल वो मुझे दे गया, मैं समझ ना पाया कुछ भी, और मेरा सब उसका हो गया पर ज़िद तो ज़िद होती है, ऐसे कैसे छोड दें, एक हसीना को पाने के लीये, अपनी खुद्दारी थोडी बेच दे तो बुलाया हमने उस खुदा को, हमारी चौखट पर एक दिन, और पुछा उससे के क्या लोगे, हमारी मुश्किल कैसे छुडाओगे? वो बोला, 'इतना गुरुर है तो दिल को समझा दे, उसकी कीमत अदा करने की तेरी औकात नहीं, थोड़ा आईना देख लेना मेरे दोस्त, दूर दूर तक, तू उसके कबिल नहीं पहली बार थोड़ा खुद से नाराज हुआ, एक पल के लीये ही सही, गम का एहसास हुआ, आखिरी बार उसकी हंसी को याद किया, इस सबक को साथ लेके, फि

A Habit

You must have read the phrase 'Change is the only constant'. And I guess it's true, to some extent. Cause everyday we come across something new, something changing, and that's what makes our lives lively, isn't it? Something new to cheer up, some changes to give hope, you get the idea. But not all 'Changes' are desirable, right? And these 'Undesirable Changes' are difficult to absorb. Reason? Simple, they cause discomfort. They make you go through the thought process you don't want to. They take you to places where you would never go. But that is not the point of this post. Even after knowing the fact that these changes are unavoidable, we still struggle to accept these changes. And that is the question that's troubling me. Why our brain can't accept the facts it already knows? Why it fights the battle which is already lost? and causes pain. Why can't it just move on and get familiar with the changes that has alre


You can say the effect of western movies, but I have a bucket list of my own. It has a lot of crazy stuff, and one of them was solo trip. Yeah! you read right, 'It was', cause I have marked it complete. And this post is to let people know, what they are missing. We, people, are often afraid to meet the unknown. May it be places, people, roads etc., but these unknowns are the one's who brings the most unexpected memories you can have. So what's a solo trip? First misunderstanding is solo is alone. Trust me, solo trip isn't a lonely trip. It's just full of new people, you may never meet in your routine. It's that trip, where you make so many new friends, from around the world. You may meet a married couple, both stay in different cities, and meet each other in different places, every weekend. And you might have fun hanging out with them. You may meet few crazy girls from a college, and you might dance with them. You may meet a group of crazy

Maybe :)

You might relate to this. Majority people travel on same route, everyday. And on this  everyday route, we often miss few things which we should notice. Same happens with me. Maybe it's how our subconscious work. We look at the same things everyday but we miss few things everyday as well. Similarly, on my route, there is a giant ten storey abandoned building. I don't know why I never noticed, maybe there was no reason to notice. But once I did, it gave me a weird vibe. So for next few weeks, everyday when I passed by this building, I took a short glance at it, and that vibe started to form a thought, slowly. And here is the thought, Everyone dreams to have a great life, a voyage they could boast about. A grand party at the end. A huge conclusion like a movie. Just like that building was supposed to be at the end. But maybe, just maybe, we all could be wrong.  Maybe all we need to have are little wins and little losses. Maybe all we would get is a small ho

Inner Demons

Once upon a time there was a king. He was a nice person, a bit self obsessed though, with a benevolent heart. His image was great in the public. And he always emphasized on keeping it that way. So this one time, a small village within the state had a very big lake, it was so deep that even the professional divers couldn't find the bottom. It was the source of income for all the villagers. A giant monster with big horns had appeared at this lake from nowhere. He had destroyed many fishing boats, taken captured fishes, vandalized people. So villagers decided to approach the king, regarding this matter. Once they told the king about this, a little afraid king(inside), said he'll handle the monster himself. Cause he needed to maintain his greatness. His ego was too big before the fear. Next day, the king went to the lake, alone, to fight the monster. The monster and the king had a great battle. At a decisive moment, the king hit the monster very hard, bu

#Self Love

I seriously want to find out who was the person who invented the idea of front camera, it just sucks to see the same people again and again with different filters and different angles on social media, LoL. And from few days, there is this hash tag being used while posting these Selfies, #self love or #love yourself. I just couldn't digest the idea of relating a picture with the very meaningful concept of self love. So I thought, whatever, let's give it a try to explain it, but correct me if I'm wrong( Though I know, I won't be, LoL). So what's self love? It's the act of accepting your flaws and then embracing them happily. It's the time spent alone to engage in your hobbies. It's those long walks with just you and your headphones, and the feeling of completeness. Self love is acknowledging that no matter where you presently are, you're gonna land up in the place of your dreams and not to the ones which others may have painted It can


You remember the the school lunch breaks? the times, when you would finish your tiffin ASAP so that you could find more time to play. I miss those days. But the thing I miss even more is the feeling I used to get 10 minutes before the break. The feeling you get, when you know something good is about to happen. The feeling you get, when you are about to Escape. Escape? how do we define such a complex concept? It need not to be a big hotshot trip, it could be very simple. Like, a hot cup of tea when you are drenched in the rain is an Escape. Calling home after a heavy day is an Escape. Listening to soothing classical music in a noisy city is an Escape. Reading a book to explore an unknown world is an Escape. Getting the Idea? So what's the occasion for me to write on this subject? Simple, I'm having my Escape from my routine, where words help me express my thoughts, where I communicate to strangers(one sided though, LoL), and try to find tiny bit of happiness(I feel

The Good, The Bad and The Corporate

I have often heard that, people don’t come in Black and White; they are always in the shades of grey. Confused? Let me explain. Like the old good Hindi movies, there is no absolute goodwill hero or absolute evil villain. Everyone belong in between, the scale which connects the absolute good and pure evil. But that’s something you already know, don’t you? Of course you do, because at times we behave good and bit evil as well. And this evil doesn’t mean being a bad person, it just means “Not waiting for the signal to turn green”, or “Throwing the garbage on the road” (Cause there was no dustbin around, so lame reason, Lol). My point being, everybody is bad sometime and vice a versa. So that covers the good and the bad, but what’s the corporate ha? Now these are the strangest but the smartest people on the earth (at least they think so,Lol). So being in corporate life for almost two years, I observed many people. People of my age, little bit seniors and highly seniors as well. And

First Rain 2018: Into the storm

It's the day when I'm going home, almost after three months. I have a carpool to catch. I get my work done, bit early than usual, so that I won't have to hurry last minute. It's simple 20 min drive on a regular day, but it's not the normal day, it's the first rain of 2018. I look out of the window, just before leaving, and I can tell. If I don't leave in time, I'm gonna get caught up in the rain, so I pack my bags and get on the bike. And the voyage begins. In school days, when we try some mischief and get caught, we see the teacher heading towards our bench, and we start feeling this chill, remember? Same happened with me on this very day, I could see the rainy storm arriving, but I can't stop, I need to go. And it goes on getting harder, tougher and undesirable. And at a point in this 11 km ride, I can't see what's ahead of me after 10 feet. And then one strong wind hits me, I just can't drive anymore. So I stop, let the wind pas

A Good Day!

Sometime ago I wrote an article about having a bad day. So I'd like to share a good day with you people. Cause my definition of good and bad is changing, drastically. Le me show you how. So on this good day, I again woke up on the wrong side of the bed. My bike got broke down, had to push that 200 kg beast for one and half kilometer, in the super heat of April. Once analysed, the repairs costed one hell lot of money and time as well. I couldn't have my breakfast. Reached office four hours late. Doesn't sound too good ha?                                       And here is the explanation of why it was so good. In the beginning, I cursed god and fate and destiny and even the bike's manufacturer, LoL. I mean, nobody wants the start of the week this bad. And then I accepted the things in front of me, That's Phase One. Once I accepted the problem, I started to act in most practical way to reach the solution, Like pushing the bike (No easy solution there, L

I Miss that

The day is about to end, and the old playlist is shuffled, old songs struck some old chords, You know what, I miss that The fight to watch the favorite cartoon show, or the race to reach the best seat somehow,   I remember how tiny super problems we had, You know what, I miss that Winning the marbles was an obsession, and the barbie was a pride possession, Little worlds had little treasures to hunt, You know what, I miss that Wake up early or wake up late, Everyday A warm hug from Maa was just a couple of seconds away, that love, that feeling is now 300 kilometers apart, You know what, I miss that Every summer new deck of cards were bought, cause some idiot didn't remember where's the seven of clubs is lost, those fifty two combinations created infinite laughs, You know what, I miss that Tom kept chasing and Jerry kept escaping, While watching their game, our childhood got missing, In the world of winners and loser


These days, all the things you read are often arrived from the trio Facebook-Instagram-WhatsApp. Most of the things are crap, but once in a while you come across a diamond in the ocean of stones. And eventually it's a Poem which is going viral, named "NOT", by Erin Hanson. May be I'm wrong, but the so called techno-enthusiast youth(Including myself), and our previous generation as well, we all are becoming a target of this addiction named social media (The trio I mentioned earlier). And addiction is not the problem, from my point of view, it is up to individuals regarding to how they spent or rather waste their time. The problem is every single person out there is sharing the good stuff about their lives, so when you go on surfing through the FB or Insta feeds, all you see is how happening life your friends have. You will see stuff like, how awesome is the coffee he had, or, How cute puppy one has, or, How much fun they had at the dinner last night, and then