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Showing posts from 2016

Remember Remember

A voice gives u sleepless nights A voice of ur legend u want to be A voice that shouts forever 'Remember remember' Are u the tortoise consistent Or the hare running faster Know urself, be a bloomer, 'Remember remember' You hate it when things go south Who likes to taste grapes tasting sour Get strong, fight ur bout with a temper 'Remember remember' Don't look at the temptations on the way Don't follow the firefly Aim for the moon who is the real charmer 'remember remember' Tell the stars The day is not over And the Dream is being built Know that Your legend is getting closer 'Remember remember' Days pass by like seconds Sun rises and observes your undertaking Show him u r brighter than ever 'Remember remember' U will run even when it's not a race Ur legs will pain ur body will sweat But u will be getting ready for splendour, Cause U remember, cause u remember

The Moment

Their feet weren't ready to stop. Like a waterfall never knows what is calmness, it just knows to flow. Even they needed to go with the flow. The music kept getting better. Or was it the company of each other that made 'the music' felt better? They didn't know the answer. Neither it was required. All He knew  was to tap on the beat with Her. And all She knew that She needn't to worry about anything at the moment, and move in the flow. And they kept it going. They talked. They danced. They laughed. And then repeated it.  As if they knew each other for decades. "They say North star has its location fixed in the sky. Similarly we all have few moments in our lives that make us forget about everything else. And these moments stay forever with us." This was the exact thought He had when his favorite song started. She was right there with him, and he just smiled at her. Probably She wouldn't understand the reason behind this smile. Was it the Song

Innocent Smile

So whats your Diwali special? New cellphone? or new TV? or may be bike. At least you must have brought cloths. That's a tradition isn't it. We get happy when we get new things, don't we? But is that all which makes us happy? Trust me it is not. Happiness is also viral. You just need to know the bug to use. You know,  this bug is very easy to find. Its called 'GIVING'.  We all are given ample of everything, we just have developed a habit of overlooking it. We all are taught to look into others's garden, so we feel that their grass is greener than ours. but yet we never understand that we at least have garden to have that grass. and the feeling of having less keeps on getting us. I am no different than others.                                  And one evening arises. Its last day in the new city. I am going back home for Diwali, almost after couple of months. Earned first salary, excited to gift my parents, brother , and party with friends. And your l

Team & Captain

I am not a cricket fan, but I love to watch MS Dhoni (aka Mahi,aka MSD) playing. The way he handles thing, I got to say, he has a style. He is the best wicket keeper in the world. But that is his skill. He has developed it with great practice. The thing I like to watch about him is his ability to handle situations. Not just players, but his critics, media people as well as his professional campaigns like advertisements and stuff. He is really the captain cool. So being a Mahi fan it is difficult to watch him fail. The season of IPL-2016 isn't very successful for him. Rather it is the worst IPL season for him. And now his Anti-fans are loaded with weapons, they are just non-stop. " He should retire", "He doesn't deserve the captaincy", And many more. Of course he has his strong fan support. But that's not what I'm concerned about. What I want to point out is may be people should understand that cricket is a team sport, and MSD is not one man arm

Failures And Mistakes

Hare and tortoise, the world famous race. Everyone appreciates how tortoise wins over the speedster. I do, too. But I always think that it is unfair with the rabbit. I agree that he got ego and overconfidence, and all stuff, but don't we all posses that up to certain extent. And even if it losses one race, that doesn't mean a total failure. The Hare will eventually beat the tortoise, I can bet over that. So if losing a race isn't failure, then we should define failure. I believe that every human being is gifted with a special skill set. It is up to that person, to identify and develop. For me, failure is to not understand your gifts. Failure is to waste your precious time in doing things you are not good at. Failure is to not accept that you have made a mistake. So are failures necessary? Not at all. Mistakes should not be confused with failures. Scoring bad in a exam is a mistake, while not taking it seriously is a failure. I know that most of the times w

Nail In The Wall

In school we are taught that we should be like trees. We should adopt their nature. The art of Giving. At that age we even believe that stuff. And then comes the stage of Teen Age. Now everyone is telling how ruthless the world is. And you have to become selfish. For a while you are confused that if giving, being generous, is a good thing, then how come selfishness is going to lead a sound life. At least I have been through that. I am sure you will remember that one person who calls you only in need. Now, your mind start analyzing that may be its good to be selfish. It’s easy. It doesn’t require any extra effort. And, most importantly if others are selfish then what’s wrong in being one. Finally, you turn into that person who calls only in need.      So is it good to be selfish? Truly speaking, I don’t know. But I can tell one thing, I know what it feels like when we behave selfish. It’s one of those feeling, that you cannot live with. Over a time, the impact of that guilt

Mixed State

I love watching superheroes. There is a thing about them. A part of them is always so simple, so ordinary, just like us. We try to find our self in that part. And we hope, believe, that some day we will be able to adopt few of the extra-ordinary qualities of a superhero. We also want to live a life with dual identity. As a matter a fact we do live such a life. There is one face, working face. We use it during handling our jobs, duties. This face is highly selfish. because in today's world no one wants to be a loser. No one wants to end up last, unsatisfied, full of regrets. So we put up this face and start getting little rude, sometimes cruel. There is that restlessness for getting what you desire. So we stop giving shit about what people think, or do.  And then there is that face, the real one. We don't have to put this on, it just comes along when we are around people we care, or situations when we are relaxed. We always enjoy in this identity. But true thing

Faceless Nameless

Do one experiment. If at all you like to go out of your way to have fun. Go to YouTube, and search Spanish songs. There will a list, also a mix of 50 songs. Then start that playlist. Then sit back, and close your eyes. Feel the music. You won't understand a word. But if you could enjoy that music, you have overcome your inertia. I know inertia is a physics' phenomenon. But all humans have it too. People go to specific restaurants and only order the food which they know, and find it nice. People  avoid to shop at new places. They hesitate to try new technologies (specially oldies). So going back to my faceless nameless. Once you find the first experiment interesting, try the 2nd one. In this go to places you never been, closer to you. Preferably where you can engage in some conversation. Listen to people. You might think what crazy stuff is this. Trust me, it is interesting. You will come across things you never even heard. Tell those people your opinions. Sh


So everyone has got a choice. I made mine. We decided to visit a new place. Elephant head point. A long walk was required. Majority wasn't ready to do the journey. That's not a new thing though. Tougher roads are always raw. Less crowdy. When someone tells you that 6 km road is yet to complete, first thing comes to your mind is, have I chosen a wrong option, but never back down should be your attitude. So you start walking, and keep walking. The clouds of doubt gets cleared. You start believing in your choice. So once I understood that I am capable of handling my own decision, the confidence raised to a new level. I started observing awesome things. Every obstacle turned into a learning tool. All the day-to-day stuff was vaporized from mind. The valley view was spectacular. And the best part was the echo of my name at the point. You know, at least once in life, visit an Echo point. You will understand why it is necessary to hear your voice.   And one more

One Holmes & One Watson

I hope you are familiar with the names. Of course, that's an idiotic statement. Everyone knows Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. So being a crazy Sherlock fan, I recently watched an episode of a series named Elementary (Its a Detective series with Sherlock in modern avatar). In that show, Sherlock made one quote. For balance, there has to be one Sherlock and one Watson, always. Sherlock is the smarter but rude guy, while Watson is the kinder one. What he implies is, when one member of a bond changes behavior, it is the duty of the other one to maintain the balance. No one would like to watch two Sherlock Holmes in a single story. Its their way of complementing each other that keeps them and us attached. Isn't that the story of every relationship, friendship, or partnership? A bonding is only strong if you maintain that thought. The day both are Holmes they will keep fighting, to prove who is the better one. Simultaneously both Watson's are useless too as they a

First Rain

I always ask myself, why the first thing always matter? Be it the first bike, first job , first book or first love. There is something mystical about these first things. They leave an impact which stays with you forever. So I kept thinking for a while. And that's when it started raining. I know everyone loves first rain. It will be hard to find a person who doesn't. The smell of soil. The cold breeze which arrives on a hot sunny day. It's like arrival of a beautiful girl in mechanical engineering department (Only Mech boys will understand) The atmosphere is suddenly so calm, even the earth is like, dear Sun time to get a break. And then the first drop on your face. Suddenly you realize how much awesome today is. For a moment that tiny water particle makes you smile. And that smile is the key to my wondering. Every 'first time' gives you a pleasant experience. Whenever you are going through tough times, you recall that smile. And that's


There is a very fine line between passion and addiction. It could be anything. A drink, a habit, an unhealthy food, A person. Its good to be passionate, but certainly bad to be addicted. But it is very difficult to resist that feeling. The feeling of merging your entire soul into that one and only one thing. Few times you even think that what's wrong to be an addict. After all its your life. You got to make that call. But you are bit scared to fall for it. So eventually you get out of that situation. After a very long fight with yourself. One fine morning, that passion of yours knocks the door again. Is it just the passion or is it the addiction? You are confused. It knows that you are not that strong. Just one push and you are back to square one. So what are you going to do? Should you check your strength again? Or just block it right away? Or you Really want to be an addict? Its always hard to fight with yourself. You don't know if you are going to win or lose.

Whats your value?

In business, everything is considered with its value. Not price, but value. So what is value? According to me, it is something that provides importance to that particular element. So does a human being have a value? Of course it does. In mechanical field we equate human hours to profit gained in order to determine that person's value. But that's not the value I'm talking here. For me, value is like a trait. It might be very high in some aspects while it could be useless in other. Its up to you how you raise it. Its our behavior that decides it. Our way of handling situations, and people. If anyone is asked about valuable persons in his life the answer is simple. Family, friends, spouse etc. Those people we want in our lives have high value in our perspective. But does this mean the feeling is mutual? Think about that. So whenever you give someone more value than deserved, make sure that your calculations aren't wrong. Because if the perspective is d

No Regrets

What is the first thing that enters your mind when I say 'future'? I don't know about you, but all I feel is fear. Maybe that's a common thing in the majority of final year students. There is a hell of pressure. Being a graduate, THE SOCIETY expects a respectable earning. As our peers start performing better, there comes an unavoidable tension during our own show. As most of them call, the race begins. But the way I see it, it's a totally different perspective. I'll try to elaborate.  Just imagine you are the richest person in the world, there is nothing you could not afford. You have the best athletic physic anyone can imagine. No one can beat you. You know all the possible arts in the world. In short, you have everything in this world. Literally.Then what? What would you do? There will be nothing to look forward. You will never understand the fun or satisfaction in achieving something, as you are unbeatable. You will never get the joy of learning new thi

On a Magical Island

Far far away, on a magical island, there lived a boy and a girl. Both had committed their own mistakes. Mistakes, which led to heart aches. Both scared to have faith. Thirsty for sleep so sound Looking for a way out, A way difficult to be found. A gathering of people made them meet, they had no idea, It turned out to be a beautiful treat. Days turned into weeks, every conversation was unique, He started to sing, She started to smile, They didn't want to lose this streak But there was something missing, the magic they felt before, that fairy with sparkle, to show them the special door. One day a magician came to the island, brought a potion, very strong Both of them took it to feel the magic, but they were so so so wrong. They were on cloud nine, roaming relentless, striving the moment, living life dauntless. The good part is about to over, the potion was no more, they wanted the magic, but absence o