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Showing posts from October, 2019


Diwali! The festival of lights of India. But like Diwali, there are number of festivals all over the globe. Like Christmas, or Easter, or Ramadan, and so on. But on this day of Diwali, I had a thought. Why do people all over the world celebrate something or another? Why do people have this immense need of coming together and celebrate an occasion which may or may not have any significance in past? Here is my understanding on this subject. But before going in the festival part, here’s little about human behavior. I think any human being is just another machine made up of atoms and molecules. Now for any machine to work in a specific environment with multiple variables, it has to have a feedback mechanism. We all have input sensors, like eyes and ears. Then the input is fed to processing part of the machine, our brains. And then we take actions with the actuators, like hands, mouth. Basically we provide an output. And here’s how a feedback mechanism works. If your action gives

अभी बाकी हे

एक  सितारे  को  ढूंढ़ने  चला  था, चाँद  और  सूरज , दोनों  से   झगड़  के  चला था , यह  कश्ती  कब तक  देगी  साथ , क्या  पता , कोई  फ़िक्र  नहीं , दरिया  को  दोस्त  बनाता  चला  था सफर  में  कुछ  अल्फाज  मिले , गुजारिश  थी  उनसे  की  कुछ  तोह  बयां  करे , पहली   बार  अल्फाजो  को  खामोश  देखा , उसकी  तारीफ   में  अल्फाज  भी  निशब्द  हुए बस  बेहता  रहा , न कुछ कहता  रहा , एक तस्वीर के सहारे खुशिया ढूंढता रहा , तोहफे  तोह  हजारो  मिलते  होंगे  उसे , इसीलिए  अपना  दिल  कागज  पर  उतारता  रहा लिखते  लिखते  एक  सवाल  आया , के  ऐसा  क्या  लिखू  जो  उसे  छू  जाए , में  ऐसा  क्या  कहु , के  उसकी  खूबसूरती  और  खूबसूरत  बन  जाए उसकी  मुस्कराहट  ही  बस  याद  आती  रही , उन  लबों  की  वो  अदा  मुझे  सताती  रही , लिखते  लिखते , कलम  ने  भी  हार  मान  ली , पर  उस  सितारे  की  आँखे , मुझे  रौशनी  दिलाती  रही बस  अब एक  मंज़र  बाकी  हे , उसे अपना  रहनुमा  बनाना  बाकी  हे , लगता  हे  जैसे  एक  अरसा  बीत  गया हो , उनकी  नज़र  से  एक  मुलाकात  अभी बाकी  हे 


What's exactly a sorrow? A bad feeling, a bad emotion, maybe pain, some disturbed mind, anything that makes you feel helpless is a sorrow. Right? It's that state of mind when you actually blame your destiny, or God, or what not. And while feeling a similar emotion, I decided to give it some thought. Why I feel helpless, why I feel like this pain is too much, or why things are too worse. And as my mind was thinking it in a way any victim thinks, I could not see a clear picture. Studies show that more than 70 percent people think that they are better at their work than average people. That means people like to think that they work more even when they are just doing average. Similarly even while going through little hurdles, we all think that we are victims of some tragedy, and we are some sort of survivors. But fact is we ain't doing anything different. So coming back to my subject, this attitude of a victim wasn't helping. So I decided to go with a different approach.