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A Wish

The Jinn gave Reehan three wishes. It was sort of general practice. Reehan just smiled. He knew exactly what he wanted. But Jinn kept talking. Jinn explained what are the things which are out of scope and which are in the scope. Also explained the basic rule,i.e., you cannot wish for more wishes, LOL. But Reehan wouldn't need that. He wouldn't even need his three wishes.

He looked at the night sky, but he didn't focus at anything. He just kind of tried to look through, and beyond. Unclear of his understanding of the world, and what it stands for. He was tired. Not tired physically, but emotionally, mentally. He failed to understand his very purpose, and at some point he gave up. Why, he wondered. May be it was way damn difficult. It is easy to solve a problem. But it is very much difficult to find a problem which is worth solving, which would make you feel whole. And He was searching restlessly. And yet He failed.

He always thought, man was never supposed to have intelligence. He used to observe animals, and wonder how much easy it is to not able to think too much. He wondered what if He could let it all go just for once.

The jinn repeated his words, and asked what does the protagonist wants to wish. Jinn saw a cruel satisfaction on Reehan's face. He never had seen anything like this. Even Jinn wondered that, what is this guy thinking about.

And then the protagonist said his first words.

He asked,"How would you feel about a world where nobody want anything?"

"How's that even possible",Jinn reacted.

"I guess it isn't, unless I have a magical wish, right?",He smiled a little.

"Why would you wish anything like that? I mean you can wish for literally anything you want. But you want to give up the very ability to want anything in life? Are you out of your mind?", a troubled Jinn.

"Am I? I mean as I have aged through my miserable life, every time I get closer to what I want, it gets further away from me. Every thing I ever want, is just valueless once I get it, and then I want more, and more. And even when I own enough of materialistic pleasure, then I'd want attention from people, then their respect, then their love. And even if I get love from few people, I'd still want it more from the people who ain't giving it to me. And even, somehow I manage to make everybody respect me, love me, then I'd want them to be happy about it, and to not have any worries in life. And the list goes on and on and on."

"The list never ends. Because the ability to want something is the very reason human kind has reached heights today. But what we failed to understand, this very need makes us vulnerable to find the true joy of being in the present to just exist. A bird building a nest doesn't want a sea facing condo. It doesn't think what it wants or desires, it just does what nature taught it to survive. And ain't that just blissful feeling?",He stopped.

"What's blissful about it?",questioned the Jinn.

"To know exactly what you should be doing. To not second guess every action you ever take, To just give in to the actions which are put in front of you, and finish those actions, and sleep peacefully", Reehan said with enthusiasm.

"Are you not able to sleep peacefully?",Jinn asked again.

"What are you, my therapist? But still I'll answer. Yes, the more you know, the more difficult it gets. Knowledge is a curse. Knowing people is a curse. Understanding how truly the world operates is a curse. And not knowing that why such a place exists in first place, is even bigger curse"

"So what is it that you wish?", Jinn asked.

He closed his eyes. Remembered all his desires, all his wishes, and every thing he achieved and everything he could not. He remembered his first love and first heart break. He recalled the first earnings and first big loss. He recalled his entire happiness and entire sorrow. And then he opened his eyes. And said.

"I wish, that now onwards every human being would lose their ability to desire anything"

And from the very next second, the storm in his mind vanished. Cause the he had cut down the wind.

"And what is your next wish?", Jinn asked.

He just laughed out of his heart. Cause there was nothing in his heart anymore, it felt so light. And first time in ages, somebody threw the magic lamp in the ocean without making three wishes. And if he was right, that was the last wish anyone had made in the history of mankind.


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