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Showing posts from June, 2019

Empty Cafe

Do you ever feel like the people around us, at times, influence us too much. At least a guy like me, who listens more than talk, feels like that. I mean it's like you are being bombarded with thoughts and ideas and experiences and views and opinions. And this stuff isn't just about what people are doing, it's about what I'm doing as well. That doesn't mean I don't like to be around people, it's just that sometimes the place called mind is overcrowded. And that's the reason, my own thoughts are finding it difficulty to find their way. Getting what I mean? And that's when I made a plan. A plan to find some me time. But sitting at home alone doesn't work, cause when we are alone at home, we have an habit to surrender to the trio(fb-whatsapp-insta), so I thought, let's get out. But when I got out, the places I know, they were filled with people. Just like crowded mind, these crowded places were unable to give the space I needed. And I kept loo

Hope & Heaven

'Somebody asked him, what is your drug, He said "Hope", the most addictive of them all' I came across this quote while going through some Instagram feed. And it's true, isn't it? We all are addicted to this thing called 'Hope'. And that's when I decided to give this a little thought. Here it goes. I believe, when humans evolved over a period, and while evolving physically, our brains got evolved too. And then we started to think, and that was the biggest achievement of mankind. The ability to think, makes us different from all the other living species on this planet. But like every good thing comes with a bad thing, this too, had it's own disadvantages. Thinking gives us capability to solve our problems, but then there are some problems which we cannot solve, and that's the trouble. Whenever we come across a problem we cannot solve, our thinking hit a roadblock, and that's when we feel sad, lost and at times depressed as w


When I was a kid, I always wanted to grow up. cause being a kid, you don't get to have many liberties. Being part of middle class is even worse for a kid. You have limitations on everything. From the cloths you wear, to the stationary and toys you buy, to movie theater and restaurant visits you can have, to the trips you can make. It feels like you are trapped in a life, which has so many things and you can't have most of the things, and there's nothing that you can do about it. And yes, that definitely sucks. And that is when I decided, it's better to be an adult than a kid(Yeah, I was always more mature than the kids of my age). And then I grew up, where I could earn sufficient to spend the way I want to. But what I failed to understand as a kid is that it's just not about money only. When you grow physically, you grow emotionally as well. Being a kid, our emotions are so limited that they don't bother us much. We are not exposed to stuff as attachments, in