I have often heard that, people don’t come in Black and White; they are always in the shades of grey. Confused? Let me explain. Like the old good Hindi movies, there is no absolute goodwill hero or absolute evil villain. Everyone belong in between, the scale which connects the absolute good and pure evil. But that’s something you already know, don’t you? Of course you do, because at times we behave good and bit evil as well. And this evil doesn’t mean being a bad person, it just means “Not waiting for the signal to turn green”, or “Throwing the garbage on the road” (Cause there was no dustbin around, so lame reason, Lol). My point being, everybody is bad sometime and vice a versa. So that covers the good and the bad, but what’s the corporate ha? Now these are the strangest but the smartest people on the earth (at least they think so,Lol). So being in corporate life for almost two years, I observed many people. People of my age, little bit seniors and highly seniors as well. And ...