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Showing posts from May, 2017

First Rain: Year 2017

So if you know me, you know how much crazy I'm for rain. So when it started raining, my thoughts started blooming. So I am writing again, First Rain. Last year the rain arrived in March only, but this year it is almost mid May. The longer the wait, the stronger the Impact. So I'm in office, listening to my senior telling something about some useless Code (Computer Program, hope u get that), and I'm completely bored. And all of a sudden a thunder roars, and then another, they just keep on going. And I am all cheered up again, running to lift, to reach the ground floor, to reach the open space, to reach the drops from heaven, to reach the life I used to live. And when the drops from heaven hit me, it's just bliss. I forget that I still have couple of hours to work, I forget that the Saturday isn't off this weekend, I forget that there is a pile of tasks to be done once I get home, I just forget. I become invincible to all worries in the world, as this


They say memories are like curse. They make you feel the pain, again and again. And that's partially true. A sweet moment happened in past, makes you smile, but the realization that it won't happen again makes you sad as well. Its like that cup of tea which is half filled. So I have this memory. Not memory exactly, rather a feeling. A feeling, which makes me happy. This feeling appears on my doorstep, when it is about to rain. So when the sky is darkly clouded, the heat is cooling down, and no one is missing the sun. I miss that 'Beep' sound on my phone. Cause it used to beep continuously at such times. I miss that crazy screaming on call, when first few drops from sky took a dive. How can I forget the never ending wish to eat ice cream during rain.   The timeless calls at window, the nigh chats, and the promises. The Promise to be forever, the promise to have faith, the promise to never betray, the promise no never go away. Those rains were witnesses. That at