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Showing posts from May, 2016

Team & Captain

I am not a cricket fan, but I love to watch MS Dhoni (aka Mahi,aka MSD) playing. The way he handles thing, I got to say, he has a style. He is the best wicket keeper in the world. But that is his skill. He has developed it with great practice. The thing I like to watch about him is his ability to handle situations. Not just players, but his critics, media people as well as his professional campaigns like advertisements and stuff. He is really the captain cool. So being a Mahi fan it is difficult to watch him fail. The season of IPL-2016 isn't very successful for him. Rather it is the worst IPL season for him. And now his Anti-fans are loaded with weapons, they are just non-stop. " He should retire", "He doesn't deserve the captaincy", And many more. Of course he has his strong fan support. But that's not what I'm concerned about. What I want to point out is may be people should understand that cricket is a team sport, and MSD is not one man arm

Failures And Mistakes

Hare and tortoise, the world famous race. Everyone appreciates how tortoise wins over the speedster. I do, too. But I always think that it is unfair with the rabbit. I agree that he got ego and overconfidence, and all stuff, but don't we all posses that up to certain extent. And even if it losses one race, that doesn't mean a total failure. The Hare will eventually beat the tortoise, I can bet over that. So if losing a race isn't failure, then we should define failure. I believe that every human being is gifted with a special skill set. It is up to that person, to identify and develop. For me, failure is to not understand your gifts. Failure is to waste your precious time in doing things you are not good at. Failure is to not accept that you have made a mistake. So are failures necessary? Not at all. Mistakes should not be confused with failures. Scoring bad in a exam is a mistake, while not taking it seriously is a failure. I know that most of the times w

Nail In The Wall

In school we are taught that we should be like trees. We should adopt their nature. The art of Giving. At that age we even believe that stuff. And then comes the stage of Teen Age. Now everyone is telling how ruthless the world is. And you have to become selfish. For a while you are confused that if giving, being generous, is a good thing, then how come selfishness is going to lead a sound life. At least I have been through that. I am sure you will remember that one person who calls you only in need. Now, your mind start analyzing that may be its good to be selfish. It’s easy. It doesn’t require any extra effort. And, most importantly if others are selfish then what’s wrong in being one. Finally, you turn into that person who calls only in need.      So is it good to be selfish? Truly speaking, I don’t know. But I can tell one thing, I know what it feels like when we behave selfish. It’s one of those feeling, that you cannot live with. Over a time, the impact of that guilt

Mixed State

I love watching superheroes. There is a thing about them. A part of them is always so simple, so ordinary, just like us. We try to find our self in that part. And we hope, believe, that some day we will be able to adopt few of the extra-ordinary qualities of a superhero. We also want to live a life with dual identity. As a matter a fact we do live such a life. There is one face, working face. We use it during handling our jobs, duties. This face is highly selfish. because in today's world no one wants to be a loser. No one wants to end up last, unsatisfied, full of regrets. So we put up this face and start getting little rude, sometimes cruel. There is that restlessness for getting what you desire. So we stop giving shit about what people think, or do.  And then there is that face, the real one. We don't have to put this on, it just comes along when we are around people we care, or situations when we are relaxed. We always enjoy in this identity. But true thing