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Showing posts from February, 2016


There is a very fine line between passion and addiction. It could be anything. A drink, a habit, an unhealthy food, A person. Its good to be passionate, but certainly bad to be addicted. But it is very difficult to resist that feeling. The feeling of merging your entire soul into that one and only one thing. Few times you even think that what's wrong to be an addict. After all its your life. You got to make that call. But you are bit scared to fall for it. So eventually you get out of that situation. After a very long fight with yourself. One fine morning, that passion of yours knocks the door again. Is it just the passion or is it the addiction? You are confused. It knows that you are not that strong. Just one push and you are back to square one. So what are you going to do? Should you check your strength again? Or just block it right away? Or you Really want to be an addict? Its always hard to fight with yourself. You don't know if you are going to win or lose.

Whats your value?

In business, everything is considered with its value. Not price, but value. So what is value? According to me, it is something that provides importance to that particular element. So does a human being have a value? Of course it does. In mechanical field we equate human hours to profit gained in order to determine that person's value. But that's not the value I'm talking here. For me, value is like a trait. It might be very high in some aspects while it could be useless in other. Its up to you how you raise it. Its our behavior that decides it. Our way of handling situations, and people. If anyone is asked about valuable persons in his life the answer is simple. Family, friends, spouse etc. Those people we want in our lives have high value in our perspective. But does this mean the feeling is mutual? Think about that. So whenever you give someone more value than deserved, make sure that your calculations aren't wrong. Because if the perspective is d

No Regrets

What is the first thing that enters your mind when I say 'future'? I don't know about you, but all I feel is fear. Maybe that's a common thing in the majority of final year students. There is a hell of pressure. Being a graduate, THE SOCIETY expects a respectable earning. As our peers start performing better, there comes an unavoidable tension during our own show. As most of them call, the race begins. But the way I see it, it's a totally different perspective. I'll try to elaborate.  Just imagine you are the richest person in the world, there is nothing you could not afford. You have the best athletic physic anyone can imagine. No one can beat you. You know all the possible arts in the world. In short, you have everything in this world. Literally.Then what? What would you do? There will be nothing to look forward. You will never understand the fun or satisfaction in achieving something, as you are unbeatable. You will never get the joy of learning new thi