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Showing posts from January, 2019


Once upon a time there was a storyteller, who used to go to village to village, to tell his stories. Kids loved him, as he would tell them stories of fairies and pirates, and witches and wizards. He used to take them to worlds they dream about. On his journey, once arrived at a small town, and as usual kids surrounded him, but with those kids there was a young lady. The storyteller got little confused, cause he wasn't used to adults as audience. After the session ended, the lady came to visit him. And told him that his stories were great. He smiled, and told her that he was surprised to see an adult in his session. And asked her, what brought her to these stories. She told him, that she was always amused by the stories. And more than that, she was curious how these stories got created. And that's what she asked him next, "How do these stories come to your mind?, Do they just appear in your head or you observe them anywhere?" "

Impossible Happiness

I believe that we all have some triggers, towards happiness and sadness. During childhood these things were fairly simple, like watching Pokemon after school made me happy. Playing cards with cousins during summer, or watching a India-Pakistan match with family and friends(true till date) made me feel good. But the thing is I never realized that these things were the triggers.  And just like happiness triggers, there were sadness triggers. Apparently those were pretty simple too, like sitting on first bench by teacher's command, or cycle getting punctured when the repair guy wasn't available, or maybe something like waking up on Saturday morning for school when sleep wasn't letting me get out of the bed, lol.  And when I think about these things, those were easy to trigger, in both cases, rather possible, very simply.  But then I grew up, just like all of you, and it became tough. And now we all have to work towards happiness, and apparently sadness loves t

A Mark

                                       "It's not who you are underneath, but what you do, defines you", very strong thought mentioned by Batman. And yes, our actions makes us who we are, rather than our thoughts. But have you ever noticed that our thoughts as well as actions are inspired by people around us? It's rather rather very simple. Like a child learns every little habit from his parents, siblings and other family members, we too, observe and learn from the society. Sometimes consciously and many times subconsciously. We all do this, because every connection we develop with a person creates a mark in our lives. It's not necessary that the person creating the mark is very important, but somehow s/he will give you something that will stay with you. A mark that probably will stay with us even if those people aren't with us.  It could be very simple things like picking up a phrase while talking, or an habit like eating KitKat or Cadbury, or ma