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Showing posts from November, 2018

A Habit

You must have read the phrase 'Change is the only constant'. And I guess it's true, to some extent. Cause everyday we come across something new, something changing, and that's what makes our lives lively, isn't it? Something new to cheer up, some changes to give hope, you get the idea. But not all 'Changes' are desirable, right? And these 'Undesirable Changes' are difficult to absorb. Reason? Simple, they cause discomfort. They make you go through the thought process you don't want to. They take you to places where you would never go. But that is not the point of this post. Even after knowing the fact that these changes are unavoidable, we still struggle to accept these changes. And that is the question that's troubling me. Why our brain can't accept the facts it already knows? Why it fights the battle which is already lost? and causes pain. Why can't it just move on and get familiar with the changes that has alre