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Showing posts from April, 2018

A Good Day!

Sometime ago I wrote an article about having a bad day. So I'd like to share a good day with you people. Cause my definition of good and bad is changing, drastically. Le me show you how. So on this good day, I again woke up on the wrong side of the bed. My bike got broke down, had to push that 200 kg beast for one and half kilometer, in the super heat of April. Once analysed, the repairs costed one hell lot of money and time as well. I couldn't have my breakfast. Reached office four hours late. Doesn't sound too good ha?                                       And here is the explanation of why it was so good. In the beginning, I cursed god and fate and destiny and even the bike's manufacturer, LoL. I mean, nobody wants the start of the week this bad. And then I accepted the things in front of me, That's Phase One. Once I accepted the problem, I started to act in most practical way to reach the solution, Like pushing the bike (No easy solution there, L

I Miss that

The day is about to end, and the old playlist is shuffled, old songs struck some old chords, You know what, I miss that The fight to watch the favorite cartoon show, or the race to reach the best seat somehow,   I remember how tiny super problems we had, You know what, I miss that Winning the marbles was an obsession, and the barbie was a pride possession, Little worlds had little treasures to hunt, You know what, I miss that Wake up early or wake up late, Everyday A warm hug from Maa was just a couple of seconds away, that love, that feeling is now 300 kilometers apart, You know what, I miss that Every summer new deck of cards were bought, cause some idiot didn't remember where's the seven of clubs is lost, those fifty two combinations created infinite laughs, You know what, I miss that Tom kept chasing and Jerry kept escaping, While watching their game, our childhood got missing, In the world of winners and loser