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Showing posts from February, 2017

Leap of Faith

One of the things about life is that it makes us 'Choose'. Even starting from cloths in the morning, to the big decisions like selecting right college, and many more important than that. And I believe these options create confusions. Lesser the options, lesser the complications in life. So Talking about 'Choices', they make our lives hell. Problems even become bigger if you are mature enough to analyse each and every aspect of the choices you have. Like they say, 'Ignorance is Bliss'.   So once in a life time we all get one such situation, where there is no right solution. All choices lead to different results, but neither of the results are satisfying. You keep on doing 'Pros & Cons' list. and at the end you are still confused. And that's where a quote from 'Man of Steel' starts making sense. Sometimes you have to take a leap of Faith first,                                                The trust part comes later. But w

Guards Down

A shield is used by everyone. To protect our space. To keep away unknown people and known people as well. Everyone is holding this shield tight, as we are always afraid of getting hurt. For me as well that is worse feeling than actually getting hurt. The feeling which makes you feel that you are vulnerable to anything. So I keep my shield close. Keeping all at a safe distance. But is that a right way of living? Even I don't think so. Cause we all are hungry for love and warmth, a hug, a special touch, a personal meaningful conversation. So we keep looking for such people around us, with whom we would not require to use shield. We all need, at some point of life, a halt. Nobody can run forever. And then we make the mistake. We think the person with whom we are getting closer is having mutual feeling. We forget that we are Armless. We forget that we are getting vulnerable to getting hurt again. We forget that we have let our guards down.

Two Sides Of a Mirror

Few experiences tell u that there are always two sides of mirror. Yeah. Not coin but mirror. The way u see yourself, and the way others see YOU from the other side of mirror. And then comes the conflict. Who is right? You have your own perception of yourself and so does the other person. Once the argument begins between these two, there is no right and wrong. There are just images , and understandings, versions. Cause people can't be calculated, people don't come in black and white, they always come in shades of Grey. The question arises when the argument reaches to peak. What should be done? Should you defend yourself for proving that your version is the real one? Or You should just move away from the mirror? obviously the second way is the easiest one. its always easy to walk away, ain't it? So that's what we all do. We move on. But will it end there? Think again. Cause there will be this ghost, this another version. Can you run away from it? Or will it Keep