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Showing posts from October, 2016

Innocent Smile

So whats your Diwali special? New cellphone? or new TV? or may be bike. At least you must have brought cloths. That's a tradition isn't it. We get happy when we get new things, don't we? But is that all which makes us happy? Trust me it is not. Happiness is also viral. You just need to know the bug to use. You know,  this bug is very easy to find. Its called 'GIVING'.  We all are given ample of everything, we just have developed a habit of overlooking it. We all are taught to look into others's garden, so we feel that their grass is greener than ours. but yet we never understand that we at least have garden to have that grass. and the feeling of having less keeps on getting us. I am no different than others.                                  And one evening arises. Its last day in the new city. I am going back home for Diwali, almost after couple of months. Earned first salary, excited to gift my parents, brother , and party with friends. And your l